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Website Privacy Statement

This Privacy Statement sets forth the information gathering, use, and dissemination practices of Kristen Blok Counseling, LLC and/or its affiliates, partners, and assigns, (“KBC”) in connection with the World Wide Web site located at, and any affiliated subpages (“KBC”).  This Privacy Statement applies solely to information KBC learns about you or obtains from you when you visit KBC’s Site.  This Privacy Statement does not address or govern any information gathering, use, or dissemination practices related to information collected in any other way.

This Privacy Statement does not address or govern the collection, maintenance, use, or disclosure of any private health information.  Additional information about your rights with respect to your private health information is available in the HIPAA disclosure statement available at or directly from KBC.

KBC can be contacted by mail at 119 N. Commercial Street, Suite 560, Bellingham, WA 98225 or by e-mail at [email protected].

Your access or use of the Site constitutes your legally binding acceptance of, and agreement to, this Privacy Statement.  This Privacy Statement may be changed at any time.  It is your obligation as a user visiting the Site to familiarize yourself with this Privacy Statement.  Any change to this Privacy Statement shall also be effective as to any visitor who has visited the Site before the change was made.

1. Collection of Personal Information from Site Visitors

KBC may collect or track:

  • The home server domain names, e-mail addresses, type of client computer, files downloaded, search engine used, operating system, and type of web browser of visitors to the Site,
  • Your e-mail addresses if you communicate with KBC via e-mail,
  • Information you knowingly provide in online forms, registration forms, surveys, e-mail, and other online avenues (including, without limitation, demographic and personal profile data), and
  • Aggregate and user-specific information regarding which pages Site visitors access.

In addition to information you provide, KBC may collect the name of the domain and host from which you access the internet; the IP address of the computer you are using; and the browser and operating system you are using; the date and time you accessed the Site; and the internet address of the web site from which you linked to the Site. 

KBC may place internet “cookies” on visitors’ hard drives.  Internet cookies can save data about individual visitors, such as the visitor’s name, user-name, and the pages of a site viewed by the visitor.  When the visitor revisits the Site, the Site may recognize the visitor by the internet cookie and customize the visitor’s experience accordingly.  Visitors may disable internet cookies, if any, by using the appropriate feature of their web client software, if available.

When a visitor performs a search within the Site, KBC may record information identifying the visitor or linking the visitor to the search performed.  KBC may also record limited information for every search request and use that information to solve technical problems with the services available directly or indirectly in connection with the Site and to calculate overall usage statistics.

2. Use of Personal Data Collected

Personal data collected by KBC may be used by us for many reasons.  Examples may include, editorial and feedback purposes, for marketing and promotional purposes, for a statistical analysis of users’ behavior, for service development, for content improvement, for fulfillment of a requested transaction or recordkeeping, or to customize the content and layout of the Site.  Aggregate data on visitors’ home servers may be used for internal purposes, and individually identifying information, such as names, postal and e-mail addresses, phone numbers, and other personal information which visitors voluntarily provide to KBC may be added to KBC’s databases and used for future contact, mailings, and e-mail communications regarding Site updates, news, new services, and upcoming events.

KBC may also use Site visitor data to contact the Site visitors regarding account status and changes to the submissions agreement, privacy statement, and any other policies or agreements relevant to Site visitors.

3. Disclosure of Personal Data to Third Parties

KBC will not generally disclose any personally identifiable information to third parties.  Notwithstanding the foregoing, KBC may disclose or distribute identifiable or non-identifiable data to a third party under certain situations including:

  1. As necessary for the conduct of normal business.  For example, KBC may disclose your personally identifiable information in connections with bill payment by a third party.
  2. As required by law.  For example, KBC may disclose your personally identifiable information to a third party pursuant to a valid subpoena, court order, or other form of legal process.
  3. As determined by KBC in its sole judgment that disclosure or distribution is appropriate to protect the life, health, or property of KBC or any other person or entity.  For example, KBC may disclose your personally identifiable information in response to a request by or on behalf of any local, state, federal, or other government agency, department, or body, whether or not pursuant to a subpoena, court order, or other form of legal process.

While KBC may undertake efforts to ensure that such third parties use the personal data solely for the purposes for which the data was disclosed, KBC is not responsible for the privacy practices of such third parties and will not be liable for any use of disclosure, by a third party, of any user’s personal data.

This Site may contain links to other World Wide Web sites or advertisements for, or placed by, third parties.  KBC is not responsible for the privacy practices of such Web sites, advertisers, or third parties, or for the content of such sites or advertisements.  It is possible that these links or advertisements, themselves, may be used by third parties or others to collect personal or other information about Site visitors.  It is solely the visitors’ obligation to review and understand the privacy practices and policies of these other web sites and of these advertisers and third parties.

4. Security Measures

KBC has implemented security features to prevent the unauthorized release of or access to users’ personal information.  Please be advised, however, that the confidentiality of any communication or material transmitted to or from KBC via this Site or e-mail cannot be guaranteed.  Accordingly, KBC is not responsible for the security of information transmitted via the internet.  As an alternative to communicating with KBC via e-mail or the internet, visitors can contact KBC by mail at 119 N. Commercial Street, Suite 560, Bellingham, WA 98225 or by e-mail at [email protected].

5. Your Opt-Out Right

You can always choose to withhold any information you do not want to provide, even though the information may be necessary in order for KBC provide you with services through the Site.

In addition, except as necessary for KBC to provide the services, information, or products requested by you, you may opt out of having your personally identifiable information used by KBC for secondary purposes, or disclosed by KBC to third parties by contacting KBC in writing via postal mail, at the addresses set out above. (This does not apply to collection of the type of web browser of the visitor to the Site or to information provided or collected that does not meet the above description.)  Such a request may result in KBC declining to provide services to you through the Site or denying you access to the Site.

6. Your Access to and Ability to Correct Personal Data

Upon your written request via postal mail, KBC will provide to you a summary of any personally identifiable information retained by KBC regarding you, which information has been voluntarily provided to KBC through an account registration, customer order, or electronic news or information subscription.  You may modify, correct, change or update your personally identifiable information by contacting KBC in writing via postal mail, at the address above.

7. Compliance with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA).

The Site is not directed at children under the age of 13.  KBC complies with the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and to the extent that KBC is able to determine the age of users by their submissions to or communications with the Site, KBC will not knowingly collect, use, or disclose personally identifiable information from individuals under the age of thirteen (hereinafter referred to as “Child” or “Children”) without their parent’s or guardian’s consent.  KBC does not provide products or services to Children without parental consent.  If you are under 13, you may use the Site only with the involvement of a parent or guardian.

Upon request from a parent or guardian of a Child who has provided such personally identifiable information to the Site, KBC will: provide to the parent or guardian a description of the specific types of information collected from the Child; provide to the parent or guardian a means and stated procedures to review such information and to halt future disclosure, use, and maintenance of such information (e.g., the parent or guardian has the option to consent to the collection and use of their Child’s personally identifiable information without consenting to the disclosure of that information to third parties), as applicable; cease collection in the future of such information from the Child; or provide any combination of the foregoing.

KBC is prohibited by law from conditioning a Child’s participation in an activity on the Child’s disclosure of more personally identifiable information than is reasonably necessary to participate in such activity.

8. KBC’s Right to Contact Users

KBC reserves the right to contact Site visitors regarding account status and changes to the subscriber agreement, privacy statement, and any other policies or agreements relevant to Site visitors.

9. KBC’s Right to Change Privacy Statement Terms

KBC may change this Privacy Statement at any time.  It is the obligation of users visiting the Site to familiarize themselves with this Privacy Statement, and any change to this Privacy Statement.

10. Procedure for Correcting or Updating your Information

If you would like to update or modify the personal information obtained by KBC through this Site, you may do so by:

Sending an email to: [email protected]

By mail to the following address: 119 N. Commercial Street, Suite 560, Bellingham, WA 98225